

univie: winter school for Cultural Historical Studies 2024 

The topic of the winter school is “The Discovery of Modernity – Vienna Around 1900”. The univie: winter school takes place in Vienna, where traces of the outstanding culture of the late 19th and the beginning of the 20th century are still visible.


The two-week program combines first class academic courses with an extensive social and cultural program. Vienna’s rich cultural heritage, especially the museums, will lead to a thorough understanding of the input of the fin-de-siècle on the modernization of Europe.


This unique program consists of high-level lectures in the morning and guided excursions in the city of Vienna as well as visits to various museums in the afternoon. Outside the framework of classes, Vienna offers plenty of opportunities to explore additional cultural and historical sights.


The academic course environment encourages intercultural and social exchange and favors mutual understanding within the international student population. Participants thus broaden their horizons, meet colleagues from different fields of study, make friends for life and build connections for their future professional careers.


The univie: winter school 2024 will take place from February 2 – 16, 2024.

Winter School fees are € 1,460 and include registration, tuition, and all planned excursions. (External students have to pay the Austrian students' union fee of € 22.70 to be admitted to the University of Vienna and to enjoy insurance coverage).

The application deadline for the winter school is December 15, 2023.


Short video for an overview of the program: Winter School Video (univie.ac.at)


PDF version of the folder for 2024:SHS_WinterSchool_Folder_2024.pdf

application form:SHS_WinterSchool_ApplicationForm_2024.pdf

For more detailed information please visit website: https://shs.univie.ac.at/winter-school/

Contact Person:

Nina Gruber and Laura Assenbaum, Program Coordinators;

Tel: +43-1-4277-241 31

Email: sommerhochschule@univie.ac.at

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