

We have now updated information on the International Summer School

in Turku, Finland.

It will be held on 2.-29.8.2010. In addition, there will be ten days jointly
with the Summer School in Tallinn 23.7.-1.8.  This course is called Mare
Balticum, Mare Nostrum. However, this joint course will be additional and
does not need to be combined with the Summer School in Turku, but it is an
excellent possibility to visit Tallinn and Helsinki as well.

The courses of the International Summer School are aimed at university
students and graduates as well as international scholars and experts of
various backgrounds, whether they are planning a short study visit or intend
to live in Finland. The language of instruction is English. The programme is
designed to be flexible for students giving them the opportunity to choose
among different courses including language study in Finnish.

Please find detailed information about the Summer School 2010 on
www.utu.fi/summerschool  where you can read more on modules, fees and
courses of the Summer School.

Some modules include accommodation and some do not, however, they include
teaching and teaching material, Registration fee, starting package (e.g.
some household utensils), deposit and administration fee for the housing,
most of the social programme, key to the computer class, and access to the
libraries etc. All the students will receive a Certificate of Attendance and
a Transcript of Records from the courses they successfully complete.

The application form can be found from the website www.utu.fi/summerschool
and the deadline will be 30.4.2010.
Unfortunately, we do not offer any scholarships.

The Summer School Programme offers an excellent introduction to the Finnish
language, culture and way of life.






