



Co-hosted by the German Department of Fudan University, Austrian Center, Austrian Consulate General, and the Jewish Refugees Museum of Shanghai, Jewish Austria-Jewish China Congress aimed to view the historical and cultural connections between Austria and China through the lens of Jewish-related topics. The opening ceremonywas held at Austrian Center on November 18th,in courtesy of Austrian Consulate General.

奥地利驻上海总领事Silvia Neureithers女士致开幕辞

以色列本·古里安大学Mark H. Gelber教授

奥地利作家Elisabeth Buxbaum

左为复旦大学外事处处长朱畴文(Dr. Zhu Chouwen),右为奥地利交流中心(OeAD)派遣来沪讲师Urs Luger


The next day, twenty-three scholars from a range of universities, such as Fudan University, Peking University, Vienna University, and Seoul National University, gathered at White Horse Inn, and delivered profound and inspiring speeches. White Horse Inn, opposite to the Jewish Refugees Museum in Shanghai, is a particularly meaningful site for this Congress, since it used to play a crucial role in Jewish refugeeslife in Shanghai.


he speeches followed two lines: history and literature. One group of scholars traced back to Jewish refugees exile to Shanghai during World War II, while other scholars delved into the works of renowned Jewish Austrian writers such as Franz Kafka, Stephan Zweig, and Joseph Roth, and explored their understanding towards Chinese culture as well as the influence of Chinese culture on them.


The speakers and other participants also visited the former Jewish Ghetto in Hongkou District and the Jewish Refugees Museum of Shangahi on November 20th.




