Call for Applications - Ernst-Mach Eurasia Pacific Uninet Grant 2018

发布时间: 2018-03-20      访问次数: 1293

Duration of the research period:

Postgraduates: 1-9 months

Postdocs: 1-6 months


Grant benefit paid:

Postgraduates: 1.050 EUR

Postdocs: 1.150 EUR

Travel costs subsidy of max. 730 EUR.

Eligible for application are:
a) postgraduates pursuing a doctoral/PhD program at one of EPU’s member institutions in China or Mongolia
b) post docs pursuing academic work at one of EPU’s member institutions in China or Mongolia


Application deadline: 01. 10. 2017

For any further details, kindly follow the link below: http://oead.grants.at/out/default.aspx?TemplateGroupID=34&PageMode=3&GrainEntryID=16909&HZGID=17909&LangID=2

Scholarship holders are exempted from paying tuition fees

Scholarship holders from non-European developing countries will also receive a travel costs subsidy of max. 1.000 EUR

The closing date for the applications for the Ernst Mach Grant – EURASIA-PACIFIC UNINET2018 is April 1st 2018!


Svetlana Kim, BA MA
Programme Officer



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